Snickerdoodle Playdough

We love PLAYDOUGH!  We have tons of playdough posts on the blog wall because my kids love to play with it. So many fun things you can do with playdough.  Not to mention all the fun recipes to make your own if you want.  I recently had the idea for Snickerdoodle playdough.  I have a kid who loves all things snickerdoodle.  I thought it would be fitting to make snickerdoodle playdough for the kids to play with.  After some thought and a by chance accident, we got Snickerdoodle playdough!  It smelled amazing and was a hit with the kids and I.


snickerdoodle playdough



Snickerdoodle Playdough


snickerdoodle playdough


Now that we had this amazing snickerdoodle playdough what did we want to do with it? I not only had been contemplating how I would make this playdough, I have also been thinking about these fun wooden beads gave us.  Thanks!  Setting up a fun fine motor skills activity with our beads and playdough seemed like the perfect afternoon activity for us.  So that is what we did.


snickerdoodle playdough and fine motor skills

What I used:


our snickerdoodle playdough


wooden beads and pipe cleaners compliments of



wooden bowls


plastic tray


fine motor skills with snickerdoodle playdough


Playdough is such a wonderful sensory play material.  Playing with it on its own is a great way to strengthen those tiny muscles in our hands too.  Working on our hand muscles is a fine motor skill.  Setting kids up with fine motor activities helps build those muscles for them.  These muscles are important for grasp which is important for holding a pencil to write.


What we did:


My son poked the pipe cleaners down in the playdough and then threaded the wooden beads on to them.  Working his tiny hands muscles all along.  To him he was just playing!




SO, do you want to know how to make this playdough? Can you see my secret ingredient above? Yes, it is coffee creamer.  The snickerdoodle cream made wonderful playdough but terrible coffee flavoring, lol.  Instead of trashing it I put it to use in our playdough recipe.  You can find my basic playdough recipe here White Glitter Playdough.  Just leave out the water and add coffee creamer.  I also left out the glitter but it could have been fun too.  To increase the scent I also added a dash of cinnamon to the playdough while cooking it on the stove.


more posts to check out:


Edible Peanut Butter Playdough


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom- Letter Learning Activity for Kids

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