St. Patrick’s Day: Leprechaun Treasure Box

I am really excited about this idea and craft for a Leprechaun Treasure Box .  When I cam across it I just couldn’t wait to tell big brother the story and start our treasure box.  I have never heard of this but maybe I am the only one. You leave the box out and the leprechaun hides his treasure in it and then hides the box.  If you find the box the treasure is your.
Follow the link to  Webcelt for all the details.

St. Patrick’s day: Leprechaun Treasure Box


Oh look we got daddy to help us this morning before he had to go to work. Big brother just got some new safety scissors today so he was enjoying cutting some paper. Little brother was just enjoying chewing on his toys.  Poor guy is getting some new teeth.

st Patrick day craft

We glued all the decorations big brother wanted on his box with his help.

Here is his treasure box.  He just can’t wait to put it out. But I told him he has to wait until the 16th or it won’t work.

It is nothing Fancy but we had fun and look forward to putting it out and waiting on the leprechaun to fill it with goodies and hide it for us to find.  I bought a bag of Rollo’s and then plan on going to look in my box of little things I buy on clearance that I can fill goody bags with for class parties and put a few of those in his treasure box also.  You can never go wrong with a pack of fruit snack or a box of raisins either.

So proud of his box and scissors!
We had so much fun with these boxes this year, can’t wait to do them next year.  It is a new family tradition.
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