Stocking Number Match Up Activity
I love simple learning activities for my kids. With 3 kids life is always busy. So anything I can put together quickly and setup for them to do over and over again is great. This stocking number match up activity was easy to setup and the kids loved it.
Stocking Number Match Up Activity
Supplies/what I used:
- foam stockings from dollar store
- bag clips from dollar store
- sharpie markers
- clear tape
How to make a stocking number match up activity:
Use the sharpie markers to write numbers 1-10 on the foam stockings. One side of the stocking had glitter and the other did not. I wrote on the side without glitter.
Take the bag clips and put clear tape on them. Now take the sharpie marker and write numbers 1-10. I used the tape so I can take it off later if I want and reuse the clips. You can skip the tape if you only plan to use them for numbers.
And that is it! Easy and simple to make.
I set all the stockings and clips on a plastic tray. I got a few of these trays from IKEA. They come in handy for so many activities we do at home.
I had my son flip over a stocking and find the matching number on the clip. This is a great way to get him thinking about numbers out of order. He is working on number recognition this year and this is an easy activity we can do at home to help him in school.
The clips in this activity help him also to work on his fine motor skills or little hand muscles.
Once he had all the stockings and clips matched up I helped him put them in order from 1-10. He just loved this number activity and did it over and over again. This is also a great way for baby brother to start learning numbers too.
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