Sugar Cookie Rice {play activity} Sensational Winter Sensory Play
Sugar Cookie Rice {play activity} Sensational Winter Sensory Play
Supplies/What we used:
Sugar cookie rice
Under bed storage container
measuring cups
pom poms
small bowls

How we played:
I set everything up in the under the bed storage container. This is our “sensory bin”. I had a metal pan I used to set the rice in. I sat that pan down in the bin and then set everything else around that. I then left it out for the boys to find on the table.
They could not wait to get started! My oldest 5 yr loves playing in sensory rice. We have made apple rice, pumpkin rice, and even played in plain rice. He loves it all.

Why we love sensory play:
We love to play and learn over here and sensory activities are great to do just that. Letting children learn through their senses: touch, taste, sight, smell, sound. Sensory play also lets them explore, problem solve, work on motor skills, and use their imaginations just to name few ways this is great for the kids.

My oldest toddler has just begun to explore with rice. He has been involved in many other sensory activities but not much with rice. He often throws it everywhere. This was the first time in quite a while that I offered it to him again to try. He did really well while playing this day.

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Crayon Box Chronicles
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