The color red bath theme- fun way to learn colors

I have seen many great blogs do themes at bath time and I just love it.  So we do our own bath time themes over here from time to time.  Some nights I just don’t have the time but today I got things ready when my oldest was at school.  All I did was pick out toys and bowls that were red. Then when it was time for them to get into the tub  I added our fizzy red colored tablets to the water with a tiny tiny drop of our apple scent we used in our homemade soaps in fun shapes.  I also used one of our crayola bath crayons to write the color on the tub.  The boys seemed to really enjoy their bath.  I hope to do a new color each night this week?  My oldest already told me we should have done orange because its his favorite color.   I told him we could go on a scavenger hunt in the house for water safe toys that were orange and put them up for tomorrows bath time.  He liked that idea.  These colored theme baths are a great way to go over colors with young kids.

The color red bath theme- fun way to learn colors

The color red bath theme- fun way to learn colors
The color tablets we have, bath crayon, and apple scent.
The color red bath theme- fun way to learn colorsThe red items I found to put in the tub and a bar of our soap we made.
The color red bath theme- fun way to learn colors
My kids love this!
The color red bath theme- fun way to learn colorsMy food that my oldest son made for me to eat.  This was lots of fun for the kids.  As Always we hope you and the kids can enjoy it too. 
More post you may like: Bath time post
This is one great blog with lots of sensory bath ideas:
This is another one with great ideas  Hope to get to look at all of their great bath ideas one day but for now the few I have seen have inspired me to make up fun baths for my boys!
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