Tie Dye Foam Bath Paint
We love to add a little extra fun to bath time at my house. We often take messy play to the tub before bath so we can just wash it away. That is exactly what we did this night. I made the kids some Tie Dye Foam Paints for playtime in the tub. They had fun playing and I loved that clean up was easy.
Tie Dye Foam Bath Paint
What we used:
food coloring in multiple colors
shaving cream
How to make:
Put the shaving cream in a bowl. Add multiple drops of each color of food coloring to the top. Then take a stick or spoon and swirl in the bowl. Now the paint is ready!
I put the bowl in the dry bath tub with a sponge on a stick and let my son paint the tub.
He just loved the foam paint. He covered the inside of the tub. Once the paint was gone he played with plain shaving cream in the tub a bit.
Then we rinsed the tub out with water. He got really excited to rinse the tub out too. After all the fun painting and rinsing the tub out we filled the tub with water so he could get a wash. A great way to play before bedtime.
More bath play here:

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Latest Comments
Does the food coloring stain little ones hands or the tub?
Hi! If you just a little food coloring you should be ok. You might could also try washable water colors. The kids bathed after playing so soaking in the water probably helped get the color off of them. And we wiped the tub down after they played.