Tonka Rug And Hot Wheels

We bought this rug for my son a year or two ago and he is now at an age that he can really enjoy it.  We got this one at Lowe’s and it came with 2 trucks.  You can find these at lots of stores: walmart, target, Lowe’s…  We do not always make something at my house and do not always come up with creative ways to play.  Some days a tonka rug and matchbox cars are all we need.  Today my son did ask for a “garage” over his rug.  We have done this before and so he got one today.  It is just a sheet over 2 chairs.  He was having so much fun he didn’t want to go to preschool:-(  It will be here when he gets back.  Do you have a play rug you love?

Tonka Rug And Hot Wheels

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All kids are different and only you can decide how you let your kids play. And with what materials you let them play with. My children are supervised when playing. Please keep this in mind with any post you read of mine!

Other post you may like: hot-wheels and paint

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