Arrr matey, do you have a treasure lover in your house? Well we do here. My kids have these fake golden coins I got them at a craft store a few years ago and they love playing with them. It started out they just carried them around in their pirate bags. They now use them as money in their play store and buy things. We have gone on an indoor treasure hunt with them and recently played with them in our St. Patrick’s Day sensory sink. These coins were a great investment. You can sometimes find them at dollar stores and even at the craft stores. I don’t remember paying much for them.
Well, here is just one more way we played with them. A treasure themed sensory sink. This week on Sensory Sink Sunday the theme is treasure. (Info post for it HERE will explain a sensory sink as well.) Make sure to stop over and see what fun My Nearest and Dearest had with the treasure theme sensory sink this week.
What I used:
small toys, small bottle, small bowls, shovel, blue jello, cake mix, and a sign(made with paper and markers). I almost forgot I hat his pirate hat in the bathroom in case he wanted to wear it. He couldn’t play without it wanting to fall off so we left it on the counter.
What I did:
I made 2 boxes of blue jello. Once the jello had set I filled half the sink with it. The other half of the sink I filled with yellow cake mix I had left over from our cake batter rice krispy treats we made. I hid some gold coins under the jello and “sand”(cake mix). I set out the toys we had around the sink and put the little message in a bottle, shovel, and treasure map in the sink. The toys I bought at toys r us awhile back and finally had a fun idea to get them out. The little bottle was an empty peppermint extract bottle I saved. I wrote a quick note on it so big brother would be surprised to find a message in his bottle. I taped our sign to the mirror. Last, I called big brother in to play in his treasure hunt sensory sink.
This was our messiest sink yet and I must say it was big brothers favorite so far. My son loves messy! He took his time exploring all the items set out for him. He opened and closed the treasure chest and opened the little bottle. This is great for working those little hand muscles. He was learning through all his senses except taste. I was surprised he never tried to eat any of it. I love watching him play in these sinks and more, I love the conversations we have while he is playing. He talked to me about all the items he had at his fingertips. He was eager for me to put my hands down in the gooey jello cake mix mixture and thought it was so funny that I kept trying to get away from him when he came at me with his hands. Since I had my camera and baby brother close by to start with, I did not want to be covered in goop. Once I put the camera in a safe place I did get my hands in his messy fun. Big brother had a good time hunting his coins out from the jello/cake mix. He had fun filling his treasure chest. He loved his message in the bottle. I wrote his name out on it. He was tickled that he knew what it said( he is now able to spell and read his name-need to work on writing it). His toy cannon shoots out cannon balls and he loved that! This was the first sink he played in for some time before finally adding water at my request to rinse my fingers off. I would suggest setting out a large bowl with just water in it to rinse hands off. I always put towels on the floor. He had just as much fun playing with the water mixed in as well.
This day ended up as a great way for us to spend time together and bond while playing in our sink. Daddy and little brother were out on their own adventure(running errands ) while we played. I think it worked out great to give me and big brother time to enjoy one another. Baby brother sat beside us happy in his stroller. After playing for about 30 minutes I was surprised all big brother wanted was for little brother to come home so he could play in the sink too. Soon little brother arrived to get messy too. Once they had their fun daddy took them to the tub to wash and I to clean up the sink. I scooped as much jello out of the sink that I could and trashed it. The rest I rinsed away. I rinsed all the toys. I did have to clean the sink with cleaner this time but it was quick. Lastly, I took and put the towels in the washer. All together, this took about 10 minutes to clean up. This was a successful activity at my house. Check back next Sunday to see what we get into this week.
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This is AMAZING!! I just pinned it! The blue jello is such an awesome idea. So cool!
These look like so much fun!!
I would love for you to link up this – and your other sensory play posts – at the Sensory Play link up on Empty Your Archive, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x
This is so creative! Thanks for linking up at the Hands-On Play Party!