Turkey Meatballs
Growing up, one of my favorite meals was my mom’s meatball soup. I can smell them now, lol. Once I moved out I quickly learned if I still wanted to eat yummy foods from my childhood I needed mom to share her recipes with me. The meatballs were at the top of the list. I did learn how to cook a lot of meals from her while living at home but some of them I had no clue what ingredients I needed to even get started. So glad mom is always a phone call away. After she told me once how to make meatballs I put it to memory and now have been making them for years. Recently we started trying to use more ground turkey in place of ground beef. I soon put to test my moms yummy meatball recipe to see if Turkey Meatballs were just as good.
Turkey Meatballs
ground turkey
bell peppers
tomato soup
chicken and rice soup
salt and pepper to taste
How to make:
Mix your ground turkey with ketchup, salt, and pepper. After mixing, pinch off small pieces and roll into balls. I place mine on a plate until ready to cook.
In a skillet, pour a small amount of oil, maybe a few tablespoons. Have your bell pepper and onion already cut up. My mom always diced hers but I leave mine big for taste but not to eat. But they are a must for the right flavor.
Turn the crock pot on and add 2 cans tomato soup and 2 cans chicken and rice soup. Add water as cans tell you. This is the way she always made it but I am curious if I can make the soup part from scratch and it still taste the same. Will have to try it next time.
Now back to the skillet. Tun on med to high heat. Add the bell pepper and onion to the skillet. Add the meatballs to skillet. Cook long enough to just brown. I do my best to keep the grease out while transferring the meatballs to the crock pot. Do add some of the cooked bell pepper and onion to the soup as well. Now cook for 4 hours on high or until done in the crock pot.
Once ready scoop into a bowl and enjoy! Now I only wished this post had not sat in draft so long because it has been sometime since we had meatballs. I think this will be on my next meal plan menu.
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