Vitamin E Snow Dough Recipe

Excited to be joining 12 Months of Sensory Dough Series this year.  Each month I will share a new dough themed recipe with you.  You will be able to see several different recipes and ideas around that one dough. Example this month is Snow Dough.  I chose to create a Vitamin E Snow Dough Recipe and set up a sensory play activity with it.  The other host of this series will be sharing other recipes and ideas on the same type of dough.  They will share their snow dough recipe and spin on it with us all. Be sure to check them out!


Vitamin E Snow Dough Recipe





 Vitamin E Snow Dough Recipe





Vitamin E Snow Dough Recipe


What we used/ingredients:


Cornstarch or corn flour in UK


Vitamin E lotion




How to make:

This dough is easy to make.   I  bought this bottle of lotion for a dollar.  So this dough cost about $2 to make.  So really it is cheap and easy to make! I love those play recipes that do not cost a lot and I can make quickly. Pour one box of cornstarch ,or corn flour for UK, into a large mixing bowl.  I bought a ton of these bowls for a $1 a few years ago.  They have come in handy. Now start squeezing in the vitamin E lotion.  I used my hand and mixed the lotion into the cornstarch. I just kept mixing in lotion until it was moldable but still a little flaky, like snow.  The snow dough was so soft and I love the vitamin E lotion scent.


vitamin e snow dough recipe



Sensory Play Activity with Snow Dough


sensory play activity with snow dough


 Now that I had my snow dough I set out to let the kids enjoy a sensory play activity.  I grabbed one of my clear trays from IKEA and a few hot wheels.  You can not go wrong with hot wheels and CAT trucks at my house. And since they are always all over the floor no matter how many times I pick them up or I have the kids put them away, it was easy to grab a few for this activity.


sensory play activity with snow dough

 If you can not tell yet we went with a “rescue the cars from the snow” theme activity.  A fun pretend and sensory play activity in one.  Also great for multiple ages.  My 2yr, 3yr, and 6yr all enjoyed playing in the snow dough sensory tray.

sensory play activity with snow dough

 We still have a little snow dough left.  It has kept well for a few days in our tray.  It does dry a little but just add more lotion if you need.  I only used about a 1/4 of my $1 bottle so I have plenty more to use.   The rest of the snow dough is covering my deck.  This is messy!  But I just swept it off and we washed our clothes after playtime.  Do caution and take off their shoes so they do not track this stuff in all over the floors in the house. I just took their shoes and clothes off at the back door and sent them to the tub.  We often wait to do messy play activities until right before bath time.  This way when they are done they can go straight to the tub and clothes can be washed.  It was WORTH it for us.  My oldest played in this for an hour and will still get to play in it again.  Once baby brother and I came in to start dinner the 2 older kids got to play on their own.  This was a big help for me to get dinner ready. Luckily I can still see them from my kitchen through our windows too while on the deck.  This was a success at our house.


For more PLAY RECIPES from us click link.


For more SENSORY PLAY ACTIVITIES from us click link.

snow dough

 Check out ALL the amazing Snow Dough from host below:


Experimenting with Snow Dough | Lemon Lime Adventures

How to Make Snow Dough (Taste Safe) | Powerful Mothering

Book-Inspired Snow Dough Sensory Play | Stir the Wonder

Snow Dough Science | Raising Lifelong Learners

A Snowy Day Snow Dough Play | Natural Beach Living

Frozen Snow Dough | Sugar Aunts

Edible Snow Dough | Wildflower Ramblings

Rubbery Marshmallow Play Dough | Therapy Fun Zone

Snow Dough & Outdoor Play | Peakle Pie

Music Inspired Snow Dough | Witty Hoots

Glittery Snow Dough | In The Playroom

Arctic Small World Snow Dough | Best Toys 4 Toddlers

Snow Dough Frozen Inspired Small World | Preschool Inspirations

Sparkly Taste Safe Snow Dough for Toddler & Preschool Sensory Play | Bare Feet on the Dashboard

Fizzy, Frozen Snow Dough | It’s A Long Story

Frozen Inspired Snow Dough | The Pleasantest Thing

Snow Fairy Small World with Snow Sensory Dough | Still Playing School

| The Life of Jennifer Dawn

Baby Cereal Snow Dough |Creative World of Varya

Arctic play snow dough & fizzing science | Glittering Muffins

Snow Dough Slime Recipe for Winter Sensory Play| Little Bins for Little Hands

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  1. Dayna @ Lemon Lime Adventures

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