We love to stay busy over here. And finding new things to do is always a plus. These wristbands were just that for us, new. Craftprojectsideas shares a new material of the month each month. I love to be challenged by the material they share to see what we can come up with. It gives me focus on one art project or activity to complete with the kids. Foam stickers is the material for this month. I have been going back and forth with what we would do. We have completed one project with the stickers and I have another one sitting out on my kitchen counter to work on. My poor kitchen is covered in need to do, need to finish, need to put up projects! Anyways, today while running around like a mad woman, as usual, that idea just came to me cut up foam sheets and make wristbands. So I set out to see what we could come up with.
What we used:
foam sheet, foam stickers, hole punch, paper cutter(you can use scissors), and present ribbon.
What we did:
I cut the foam sheets (we got at dollar tree) into 2 strips with the paper cutter. I then laid out a few stickers for the kids. I folded the foam sheets over each other and used the hole punch to put holes in the ends of the foam strips. These holes would be used for the ribbon to tie it together. The kids added the stickers to the foam strips(or wristbands). I then cut the ribbon and tied them on their wrist.
Since I have boys ( 2yr and 4yr that helped on these)I am often trying to find ways to make bracelets without the added girl touch. I think these wristbands are a great neutral project that both boys and girls can enjoy. The photo above shows the sides of the wristband. My oldest said I needed to take pictures of each side to share,lol. Now we have fun Dinosaur Wristbands to wear.
We love foam stickers and had a lot of fun making these cute and easy wristbands. I can see us sitting down to make more of these in the future. As always we hope you and your kids can have fun making these too.
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I bet my son would love to make these. They look super cool.
I would love it if you would come link up at Artsy Play Wednesday kids’ craft linky.
Love this! cute fun, and entertaining! Thanks for linking up with Pin It! Tuesday! Hope to see you there again next week!