Yarn Art for Kids

We recently made DIY Yarn Paint Brushes for kids art.  Since the yarn was still on the counter we tried another yarn art for kids project.  The kids love simple art.  Especially when they can make what they want.  This art project was also great for my multi-aged kids.  All 3 of them were able to enjoy it. I love when all of the kids and I can have fun with art projects like today.



Yarn Art with Kids



Yarn Art for Kids



Supplies/what we used:


colored yarn – let the kids help cut up the yarn to use if you want.


clear glue




white cardstock




How to make/what we did:


Let the kids go crazy with the glue on the white paper to start.  Baby brother loved this just as much as my oldest. Next, the kids can add the cut up yarn to the glue on the paper.




My oldest put one piece at a time but baby brother and little brother just stuck handfuls at a time.  Once they had the yarn on, we went back with glitter and sprinkled it on the paper.  I shook off the excess glitter in the trash.  Then we left them to dry.  Once dry, we added them to our art wall.  Now we have fun and bright artwork to enjoy.


yarn art for kids


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