DIY Fine Motor Skills Activity For The Kids
So I don’t think its any secret that I love to hoard what most people throw in the trash. I just never know when it might come in handy for something. Big brother is taking in my foot steps and often ask to keep the most random thing because we might need it for a “project”. Well, here is just one fun way to use “trash” and make your own Fine Motor Skills Activity for the kids.

DIY Fine Motor Skills Activity For The Kids
Supplies/What we used:
Gerber little crunchies containers
hole punch
mod podge
tissue paper
pipe cleaners

How to make/What we did:
I took the plastic lids from the container and punched holes around the top. I then cut some pipe cleaners in half. I had big brother help me add mod podge and torn tissue paper to the containers. Once we were finished covering the containers up, I left them to dry. I went back and sprayed a clear sealer coat on the containers and let them dry again. the next day I set them out for the boys to play.

Both my toddler and preschooler really enjoy this activity. They get to work on their motor skills, go over colors of cans and pipe cleaners, and problem solve how to get the pipe cleaners in and out of the containers. I can see baby brother soon wanting to take a turn with these too. As always we hope you and your kids can have fun with this too.
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Latest Comments
We love this activity! My son does it almost every day. 🙂
Such fun! This would even entertain my 6 year old while I’m reading to him! Thank you for linking up on the Learn Through Play hop! Check back for more great activities throughout the month. Oh and you’ve been pinned!