Gingerbread Sensory Rice Recipe

You have heard me say it (or type it) before that we love sensory play at my house.  I love coming up with fun play recipes for the kids and they love the freedom to explore through play.  Sensory play is a great way for kids to experience different senses through play.  I love all things scented so I make lots of scented sensory play recipes.  I have made the kids different scented rices for play before.  You can see a few here Apple Scented Sensory Rice, Pumpkin Scented Rice, Sugar Cookie Sensory Rice, and Sunflower Scented Rice. So with Christmas fast approaching, I wanted to make a fun Christmas themed sensory tray for the kids.  This gingerbread sensory rice play recipe was  perfect for playtime.   The smell reminded us of Christmas.  This play recipe was a hit at my house.


Gingerbread sensory rice play recipe


Gingerbread Sensory Rice Recipe


gingerbread sensory rice recipe

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Supplies/what I used:

Americolor Soft Gel Paste Food Coloring, Chocolate Brown Net WT. .75oz

  • water
  • measuring cup
  • bowl
  • tray lined with paper towels


play recipe


How to make gingerbread sensory rice:

I put 2 cups of rice on a bowl.  I put about 1/4 cup of water in a measuring cup and added brown food coloring.


how to dye rice


I mixed it up well.  Now I added the brown water to the rice. You only want enough water to barely wet the rice. Mix the colored water and rice until the rice is covered with the color.  I then added some ground cinnamon and ginger to the bowl.  Mix well. Last pour the rice onto the tray lined with paper towel to dry overnight.


sensory rice


Once the gingerbread rice is dry it is time to set up the sensory tray activity idea for the kids.  I love simple at my house.  As a mom of 3 I have found the more simple the play activity is, the more fun my kids have with it.


gingerbread rice sensory tray play activity idea


I grabbed my go to tray I got at IKEA and added the gingerbread rice to it.  The smell was amazing.  I did add a little more spice to the rice before we played.  If you have ginger and cinnamon essential oils they could be added to the rice as well.




Of course I got out the gingerbread cookie cutters, a few bowls and spoons, and the tray was ready.


Christmas sensory play


The kids scooped and poured the scented rice.  They made each other and I many pretend dishes with the gingerbread rice. After playtime was over, clean up was so easy too.  I put their play dishes up, put the cookie cutters in the sink, and poured the gingerbread rice into a gallon ziploc bag.  Now the rice can be played with again. Simple and fun play activity that my kids loved.

gingerbread scented sensory rice play activity idea for kids


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