Sponge Bombs Water Play

Sponge Bombs!  I have seen these on so many different sites that I could not tell you who came up with it first, but sponge bombs are everywhere. Over the summer my cousin suggested that at our next family reunion we should try and make these.  I loved the idea of trying these fun water bombs.  My curiosity got the best of me and I could not wait a year for a family reunion to see if I could even make one of these things.  I did a quick google search and landed on Martha Stewart’s page.  Thanks Martha for helping make water play more fun for the kids. These sponge bombs are easy to make and a LOT of FUN! Sponge bombs are a go next time we meet up cuz.  Our kids will have a blast with these and your kids can too.


how to make sponge bombs for water play

Sponge Bombs Water Play



Supplies/what I used:


multicolored sponges








How to make:


Take each sponge and cut into 4 strips.  Try to make them the same size.  I did not have a lot of sponges so I did not make mine as thick as Martha.




I took 4 strips and added 4 more strips on top.  I then cut a piece of twine to tie it with.




Once it was tied real tight I cut the extra twine.  I continued these steps until I had as many sponge bombs as I could make with my supplies.




Too bad it started to rain and rained on and off a few day after I made these.  Go figure right?

how to make a sponge bomb


But, our day finally came to try them out and we could not wait.  This ended up being the perfect clean up activity after some messy play with pumpkin spice obbleck.

sponge bomb water play for kids


We made a simple sponge bombs water bin.  Fun sensory play and family fun too.  All five of us were outside trying out these sponge bombs.  So they are kid and parent approved. I have started trying to limit the number of photos I put of the kids in posts but these faces show just how much fun we all had.



Do you enjoy water play as much as we do?  Find even more play ideas here:

Simple Water Play Ideas for Kids

Simple Water Play Ideas for Kids

20+ Water Bin Play Activities For Kids


Sponge Bomb Painting

sponge bomb painting for kids. Fun sensory art for summer.

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