Summer Bucket List
This will be our first official summer bucket list (a list of fun ideas for you and the kids to pick from to do over the summer). Since my boys are still young ( 4yr, 2yr & Baby) we have never made one. We just do fun things as they come throughout the summer. This year since my oldest is 4 yr I had him help me make one. A lot of these things are from my want to try or do again with the boys list. I am hoping by making a printable list that we can hang up and look at we will get a few, if not all, of these marked off this summer. We have made it through a few already! But, as always, we find other fun things to do along the way that are not on our list,lol. I will check back as we go and update this post with links to any activities I blog about from our list.
So do you have a bucket list? Share it here in the comment section. We are always looking for fun ideas to keep us busy. Happy Summer everyone!
If you like our bucket list and want to print for your own use feel free.
Here are links to the activities I have blogged about and a few extras we added to our list.
1. DIY Water Wall

3. Send A Care Package{the stars we made and the website we use for care packages over seas for usa military}

4. Liquid Chalk

5. Wind Chimes

I ended up with 7 Activities to share with you from our summer. A few have not made it to post yet on the blog and some of the other activities we did will not be shared.
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My boys would love the train musuem!
I would love some help getting the word out on our Virtual Summer Camp FB community where we challenge each other to come up with a Summer bucket list where I daily share activities, crafts, recipes… Here’s the link to the FB community and here’s the post where I share about our Summer bucket list that goes in conjuction with our FB community:
Thx, Jaimie
Sounds like you have a super fun summer ahead!