Bagel bird feeder

We love to feed the birds at our house.  We love finding new ways to do this and from this site Family Crafts we found just that.  This was our first time using bagels to make bird feeders.  We had fun doing it and the boys had to taste the bagels before we got started.  I love getting outside with them and feeding the birds it is always a good time.

Bagel bird feeder

What you need:  
peanut butter, crisco, birdseed, string, and we added some raisins.
What to do: 
 Mix crisco and peanut butter together in bowl, put birdseed in pan with raisins. Take all the bagels and break in half and tie string on them.Now take the peanut butter mix and spread over bagel and then press down in bird seed.  Last go hang them up. 
I have been playing around with photo editing features and trying different logo text and colors.  So they are all different in the post:-)
Bagel bird feeder

What we used.

Bagel bird feeder
Sweet boy had to taste the bagel after big brother had one.  And the bagels were safe to eat we do not give the birds bad food over here:-)
Bagel bird feeder

He enjoyed pressing the bagels down in the birdseed.

What we ended up with.

Bagel bird feeder

The birds loved them.  I am sure the squirrels helped eat them too.

The boys where on the way to play on one of their play sets after we hung the feeders and little brother fell down and big brother was helping him up.  This was a mommy moment for me and I wanted to share it with you all.
Other ways we feed the birds:
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