Car wash bath time theme

We have been doing themed baths for the boys when we can and this one was about washing cars, trucks, and boats.  I just added some toys, sponges, and bubbles and let the boys have fun.  I have  a 3yr and 1yr.  This was more fun for the 3yr to play.  The 1yr didn’t stay in long he kept trying to eat the bubbles:-)  I knew that it would be more for my oldest when I put it together anyway.  We had grape scented bubbles their Mimi gave them for Christmas so we got those out and the bathroom smelled great!

Car wash bath time theme

Car wash bath time theme

It took me some time to get my oldest out of the tub he was having lots of fun!
In my other post on our color red bath theme there are 2 great blogs listed that have great sensory bath ideas.  Thanks for inspiring me to do them with my boys!

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