DIY Pool Noodle Pom Pom Shooter

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So, where to start on how this came to be, hummm.  Well, I guess first, I will tell you that 2 Christmas’ ago I got my husband and big brother Marshmallow Shooters like these.  Wow, I thought, these will get lots of use.  Unfortunately, we found that even though they were fun, the marshmallows got sticky in the tube and clogged after shooting and loading a few times.  We even tried refrigerating the marshmallows but it only helped a little.  They have been sitting in the closet with minimal use ever since.  
Of course I have also seen the classic DIY cup marshmallow shooter on the web.  We had yet to try that and the other day seemed like a good time to make one.  However, when I started, I found that the cup was too big for my toddlers hands and that the balloon had to go over the smooth end of the cup leaving the cut side with rough edges exposed.  I was frustrated that this was just not working out for me and I wanted this to be for both my 2 yr and 4 yr to play with.  
So my mind went to work and a day later, while taking laundry out of the dryer and staring at a cut up pool noodle (yes I have pool noodles in the floor in the laundry room on this day), I knew what I was going to do.
Now that I had the idea for a DIY Pool Noodle Pom Pom Shooter, I quickly left the laundry, lol.  I had work to do.  I gathered supplies and crossed my fingers that this would be the best shooter this mom had ever made.  I loved the pool noodle because it was a small size which was great for both my tots and preschoolers hands.  The edges were smooth and the texture would help them hold on to it.  It was also more durable for my rough and tough boys than a flimsy plastic cup.
UPDATE: I first made these in 2013 and now in 2017 we still play with them.  I have had to change out the balloons over the years but that is easy.
 pool noodle pom pom shooter

 DIY Pool Noodle Pom Pom Shooter

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Supplies/What I used:
*cut up pool noodle- we got ours from dollar tree- similar to these Fun Noodle

*Duct Tape – similar to these Design Duct Tape 48mm x 16 Feet – Kids Fun Extra Strong Printed Arts & Crafts Multi Pack – By Playlearn (Track Fun)

*large party balloon- similar to these-

100 Premium Quality Balloons: Assorted Color High Quality Latex 12 Inch Balloon for Parties, Birthdays, and Events by Nexci, LLC

*small-medium  pom poms- similar to these- the 1″ worked too Creativity Street Pom Pons 100-Piece X 1/2″ Assorted Colors
How to make a pool noodle pom pom shooter:
see picture below
1. Cut up a small pool noodle.  I had these pool noodles in the floor because I had cut up pool noodle blocks for my kids.  They were all different sizes.  1 was 3 1/4 in another was 2 1/2 in.
2. Knot the end of a balloon not blown up.  Cut the tip off.  Pull that end over the pool noodle.
3. Tape the balloon to pool noodle with duct tape.
4.  Fill with pom poms but not too many.  Then pull back on balloon and fire!
 pool noodle pom pom shooter
So are you wondering yet if it worked?  Of course, I wouldn’t waste your time in a post if it didn’t.  Yay! I wanted to shout and dance as my toddler pulled the balloon end back and out flew a pom pom across the room!!  I was just as excited about this as they were. Now I wished I made myself one.  I will say that the marshmallows in them did not shoot.  It worked out better for me that only the pom poms worked.  Now this is great for in the house.  No worries about lost marshmallows flying behind furniture.  And no little kids sneaking and eating hand fulls of marshmallows either.  We are having lots of fun with these simple DIY pom pom shooters and hope you and your kids can too.
This pom pom shooter is great for the kids little hand muscles and great for gross motors skills as they run around chasing after the pom poms.
Another great thing about this pom pom shooter is that is could make a great gift or maybe a party favor.
pom pom shooter


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