Father’s Day Card Idea
I am so last minute this year with getting granddad’s cards and gifts for Father’s Day. Once, I would have had cards a month ago. Now I wait until the day before, lol. I at least have taken the kids shopping for daddy and we had his gifts last week. Progress not perfection, right.
I went to Craftprojectideas.com to grab a link for an upcoming post where I used some of their awesome supplies. When I went to the site, the Father’s Day section drew me in. Inspiration soon hit with one of the projects. Now we had a card idea for the grandfathers!
The I Wheelie Love You, Dad Craft is what we based our cards off of. You have to head over to craftprojectideas to see how awesome their craft ideas are for everything.

Father’s Day Card Idea
What we used:
foam sheets
colored paper
Both my 3 yr and 5yr made a card. I helped by pre-cutting some of the foam shapes.
They glued them on and now we had fun cards for grandfathers for Father’s Day.
To see how we made them you can follow how Craftprojectideas made theirs here.

more Father’s Day ideas :
10 Father’s Day Gifts Ideas Kids Love {special edition 10 things kids love}

Father’s day ideas-Links for crafts and gifts…..

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