Homemade Soap The Kids Can Help Make {in fun shapes}

We have been busy at our house planning my youngest son’s 1st bday party.  I have been looking for thank you gifts to give out instead of the good old candied goody bags.  When I saw this idea of homemade soap I thought it was perfect.  So I ordered supplies and set out to try my hand at making soap.  I had my oldest child help me out.  We had a lot of fun making soap and look forward to making even more in the future.
homemade soap for kids




Homemade soap in fun shapes

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Supplies for hand made soap:

*Melt and pour soap base

(I ordered goats milk and oatmeal 1 lb blocks) similar to these Goats Milk – 2 Lbs Melt and Pour Soap Base – Our Earth’s SecretsOatmeal- 2 Lbs Melt and Pour Soap Base – Our Earth’s Secrets

*Scents or essential oils

(I ordered apple and blueberry scents from symphonyscents.com) these are similar Apple Premium Grade Fragrance Oil – Scented Oil – 30ml and Blueberry Scented Oil by Good Essential (Premium Grade Fragrance Oil) – Perfect for Aromatherapy, Soaps, Candles, Slime, Lotions, and More! 

*soap molds

(I use candy molds, ice cube trays…I used a plastic baby food container for one bar because I still had soap to pour after my molds were full) update:  I have found over the years that the silicon molds are so easy to use.  Similar to these 6 Cavities Farm Animal Meeting Silicone Cake Baking Mold Cake Pan Muffin Cups Handmade Soap Moulds Biscuit Chocolate Ice Cube Tray DIY Mold 

*Pyrex measuring cup 

(or microwave safe bowl) Similar to this one  Pyrex 6001076 Measuring 4 Cup (32 Oz) Glass, Clear, Red

*soap color

(I ordered mine from bulkapothecary.com)  I have seen food coloring used but did not try this ) Here is another option 12 Color Bath Bomb Soap Dye – Skin Safe Bath Bomb Colorant Food Grade Coloring for Soap Making Supplies, Natural Liquid Soap Colorant for DIY Bath Bomb Supplies Kit, Slime, Crafts – with Instructions 

How to make melt and pour soap:

I cut  our block of soap in two, then cut the 1/2 into smaller pieces.  We put this into our measuring cup and microwaved about 1 min & 30 sec.  I checked it in between to see if it was melted.  When completly melted take it out and stir.  Next we added our color block (or food coloring…).  I used 1/2 of one of the 6 blocks in the case of color.  We mixed it well until the color dissolved.  We then added 1/4 tsp of the fragrance oil and mixed well.  Now it is time to pour the soap into the molds.  Let them sit several hours to harden.  At least 4-6 hours. Then pop them out of the molds.  Now you can go wash your hands or take a bath and enjoy these great soaps!  My oldest just loves these.  I have a feeling we will make many more bars of soap.

Goat milks Apple soap!  I really like this one.

Oatmeal blueberry soap-  My oldest really likes this one.

kids making soap
The colors would have been brighter had we used clear glycerin soap.  My son and I look forward to trying that next.  This homemade soap bars were a big hit at the party.  So glad we gave it a try. 
More posts to check out:

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

Dino egg soap- will have the kids begging to wash their hands

Dinosaur Egg Soap
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