Kool Aid Ice Paints Fun Sensory Art
Kool Aid Ice Paints Fun Sensory Art
What we did:
I put the poster board down in the pool to contain the mess. Then I sat the kool aid ice paints in the pool.
Now the kids went to painting the poster board with the ice paints.
This is a fun sensory art project for the kids. A great way to explore colors, touch, and scent as these kool aid paint pops smelled wonderful.
This is a fun hands on process art project for the kids.
How we made our kool aid paint pops:
Mix kool aid with water and freeze in Popsicle molds. I did not add any sugar. These were intended for play and not eating. Once frozen you are ready to paint.
These are very messy and can stain the hands. I suggest play clothes when using and water play or bath after. The kids had so much fun though that it was worth the small mess. The colored hands soon faded.
Color Mixing with Ice Cubes and Water
This sounds like SUCH a fun activity!!