Paper Doll Crayons

So thrilled to be starting back with our biweekly Preschool Book Club ( see our posts here).  We love books and book activities.  Today we are sharing a book inspired activity to go with The Day the Crayons Quit.  Such a fun book.  We have seen it in stores before but until recently had never read it at home.  When I read it to my 2yr, 3yr, and 6yr they loved it.  My 6yr was really worried about the “naked” crayon.  He came up with the idea for this activity.  He wanted that crayon to have some clothes and be dressed.  I set out to make his idea reality with Paper Doll Crayons.  This activity was also a hit with all 3 of my children.


 Paper Doll Crayons

dressing crayons book activity

What I used/ supplies:

Paper Crayons I got from walmart during back to school

Below I share a printable crayon and the paper “crayon” clothes we used.



Velcro dots


How to make/ What I did:

This will not take you nearly as long as it did me.  I searched high and low for paper doll clothes I could use as a printable.  I found them on Angel Wing Scraps on Etsy.  I could not find a crayon I liked on there.  It was so weird.  When I was cleaning up, these paper crayons (we used in our back to school countdown) fell out of my office cabinet.  Yay, perfect to use.  However, I went and created a crayon printable for you in Picmonkey to download.  Sure, hand drawn crayons on colored paper would be quick and easy too.

Then I spent a long time trying to get the clothes just the right size for the crayons.  I printed and cut out a lot of stuff, lol.  Once I had the paper crayons and clothes it was easy.  I cut out more of what worked and laminated them.  Yes, you can laminate and cut them out once.  Once you have your laminated pieces cut out, add velcro dots.  These are amazing.  This is the reason my paper clothes were already cut out.  I had planed to let the kids glue them on as a craft.  After talking with some lovely blogging friends they mentioned velcro dots.  I loved this idea because now this book inspired activity could become a busy bag or activity that can be done over and over again.


I could not wait to show big brother what I had for him.  We sat down and read the book again while they dressed the crayons.  Yay, they all have clothes now. So glad this activity works great for my multiaged kids.


Just for You:

Download Crayon

Crayon Clothes 


Crayon Clothes

preschool book club

See more posts from fellow Preschool Book Club Members here:

Sugar Aunts

Buggy and Buddy 

Homegrown Friends 

Mama Papa Bubba

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  1. Toni Compel

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