Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

Being the mom to all boys I knew the days of Superheros were coming. I just was not sure when.  Last fall the interest in superheros began for my oldest.  And little brother, wanting to be just like his hero big brother, loves them too.  Even baby brother has his own stuffed superhero toy.  We are now officially “superhero crazy” over here, lol.  During Christmas holiday I set up our first superhero invitation to play, the Superhero Snowball Fight.  It was a big hit with my 5 yr.  Since then we had the chance to play with My Mash Ups Superhero in some fine motor skills practice and now we are moving on to print making and color mixing with them! 
Superhero color mixing for kids

 Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

 Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing
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What we used:
mini superhero toys
Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

I took our roll paper and cut off a piece for the activity.  I used painters tape to tape the paper down to the table. 

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

I then took the blue and red finger paints out and squeezed a little onto the paper side by side.

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

I placed the spiderman and iron man mini plastic toys we have on the paper.  Now my son was ready to start print making.

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing
He could not wait to dip those superheros into the paint and stomp them around the paper.
Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

I loved watching him as he played while making prints with the toys.  “Come on over here friend”, or something like that, he said. 

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

After dipping the toys in both the red and blue several times, he started to notice something.  The colors were mixing.

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

I loved seeing his curiosity as he then had to dip his finger in both the blue and red paint and smear them together on the paper. He wanted to see what color he could make with red and blue.  He exclaimed, PURPLE! 

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

The paint mixing with the finger took over for a while.  As well as making prints with his finger.

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

Then it was back to some more superhero play before we finally moved onto clean up.

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing

We sat the painting to the side to dry.  I sat the toys in the sink and he happily came to wash them for me.

Superhero Print Making and Color Mixing
Now how will we put these masked crusaders to use next time we need a fun kid activity.



more post:

Superhero Snowball Fight

Superhero Snowball Fight by FSPDT
Marvel Super Hero Mashers #mymashup
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  1. Emma @ P is for Preschooler
  2. Jennifer Hughes

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