Bunny Craft for Easter
I saw something similar to this at parenting.com and decided to make it my way. The bunny Can Craft is easy and so cute in the end. Great decoration to put up for the kids during Easter.
What you need:
1 can or container, white cardstock paper, pink construction paper( could use felt, foam sheet, or even just color in the pink of the ear), scissors, glue stick hot glue gun, googly eyes(you can just draw them on), pink puff ball and 3 white puff balls(you can draw on the nose and leave the tail off if you want), black pencil.
What to do:
Take the paper wrap it around the can, then tape it closed. Cut down from top of paper to the top of the can making two ears. Then cut the rest of the paper off so it is even with the can. The picture above is what you have now. Take pink paper and cut out pieces to glue down on the ears. I then took hot glue gun and glued on googly eyes and pink puff ball for the nose. Now I wrapped the paper back on the can with the tape, then decided to hot glue it closed and peeled off tape. Then took three white puff balls and hot glued them in the back as the tail. Last draw on mouth and whiskers.