Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
Finding fun ways to learn is a must at my house. One way we have fun learning is simple science experiments. Elephant toothpaste had been on our “science to try” list for some time now. I am glad we had a chance to try it this summer. We tried it twice. The kids just had to show daddy on one of his off days what we had tried that week. So glad he loves trying these experiments as much as the kids and I do. I can see us trying this again too.
Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
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Supplies/what we used:
water bottles
food coloring
dish soap
Learning Resources Colored Safety Goggles
The kids got so excited to see the reaction the ingredients made. I loved the bright colors we chose for this experiment.
I must admit the yeast gives this a funky smell or at least to me, lol. The kids did not mind. They had to explore by running their hands through the foam.
So the next day daddy was off we set it up inside. So you can see this can be done inside or outside, up to you.
We used the same supplies from up top except we used a tray inside and a bin outside. PUT SAFETY GLASS ON BEFORE THE EXPERIMENT.
The experiment/what we did:
Add a 1/2 cup of peroxide to the water. This is where the funnel comes in handy.
Add a few drops of food coloring next.
Add few few squirts of dawn dish soap to the water bottle.
Have the 1 tsp yeast already dissolved in a few tsp very warm water. Add this next.
The reactions cause the “foam” to rise out of the bottle. Said to look like toothpaste being squeezed from a toothpaste tube.
We were inspired to try this from Steve Spangler -Elephant Toothpaste. You can click link to read more about this experiment.
More science experiments to try out:
A-Z Science Experiments for Kids