Yarn Paper Plate Apple- Fall Craft

I get really excited about fall holiday crafts and activities!  Hope you guys are ready and get excited with me.  Last year we did an apple scissor skills craft to start fall off.  This year we went with a fun paper plate and yarn apple craft.


What I used:  

paper plates, red markers or crayons, green foam, red yarn and glue.  For preschoolers they can cut the yarn with scissors.  for toddlers, adults or older siblings can cut the yarn for them.

What to do:  

Little brother and I did our apple craft one day while big brother was gone.  I dont have pictures from that day.   I do have his apple pictured at the end of this post.  It is a great toddler fall craft.  Some days I do make a craft first to show them what we are doing(or trying to figure out what works before I have them sitting waiting on me to get everything ready:) and others I do one along side them.  They love when I sit down and do the same thing they are doing.

I set everything out for big brother one night after the younger boys were asleep.  I sat down to spend some alone time with him and let him make his apple.  He colored his plate. Next, he cut lots of yarn. Then he glued yarn all over it.  He had to have a lot on his plate.  

This is great for their little hand muscles and hand eye coordination  It is also a great time to go over the color red with the kids and that letter A  for apple.  Last he glued his cut green strip of foam on the back of the plate.  This is the stem to the apple.

Now we can decorate our learning and arts and craft wall for fall with these yarn and paper plate apple crafts we made.
Toddlers apple craft
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