Ball and Bean Bag Toss
I love taking time to go back to the basics when it comes to playing with my kids. Sometimes these basic play activities are the easiest ways to connect with your kids. One of the basics we love is a ball/bean bag toss.
Ball and Bean Bag Toss
What we used:
We always have plastic balls around my house and we have a set of 4 bean bags my mom made us. I recently made both boys shape themed bean bags using felt. This was super easy or I would not have made them. If you find you do not have balls or bean bags simply rolling up socks could work too. We got out a bucket. A large bowl, basket, pitcher… could work too.
What we did:
We grabbed our bucket, balls, and bean bags and headed to the hallway. We put the bucket at one end and put a towel down as a starting line to toss from. We took turns trying to toss our ball or bean bag into the bucket. We had a lot of fun talking, laughing, and just enjoying one another while we played. Anytime I can get down to my kids level and connect with them is a memory to hold onto for a lifetime.
We hope you will be inspired to play by this post. One of my favorite sayings is “simple isn’t boring”. Just because the idea of a bean bag toss may seem simple it doesn’t mean it isn’t FUN!
New ideas shared each day from 4/1 – 7/9.