DIY Sand and Rock Box

Several years ago we made a Rock Box- A Construction Theme Sensory Bin.  My oldest just loves playing in this rock box.  We had to put it up for a while when little brother was younger but he is now old enough to play in it too.  Baby brother has to be watched closely if he plays with the older boys.  We also turned our crabby sand box into a ball pit a few years ago because of the younger boys.  Since we are still using the sand box as a ball pit I wanted to make a smaller sand bin the older boys could play in now.  I decided to make them a DIY Sand and Rock box for playtime.  It was a big hit with both my 5yr and 3yr.
DIY Sand and Rock Box

DIY Sand and Rock Box

DIY Sand and Rock Box
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Supplies/What we used:

*wet all purpose sand and play sand- by using both sands it is wet enough to mold like beach sand- of course you can just use play sand and add water.  The wet sand will eventually dry out anyways. 

*bag of rocks

*large rubbermaid

*pvc connectors we already had left over from our PVC Wall

*and construction trucks( Toy State CAT Mini Machine, 3″, 5-Pack) we use often- see more fun ideas for these trucks here

DIY Sand and Rock Box

How to make a Sand and Rock Box for kids:

I placed the rubbermaid on the driveway.  Then filled with half and half of both sands.  I took one of the kids hoes and mixed the sands together.

DIY Sand and Rock Box

I then added rocks along one side of the bin/box.  Next I placed a PVC connector in a corner of the bin on each side.  I covered it over with a little sand.  These were for the kids to dump the rocks and sand down or drive the trucks through if they wished.

DIY Sand and Rock Box

I love how it turned out!  So glad the kids did too, lol.  I wanted to get in this rock and sand bin and play but this is one play activity the boys did not want me playing with.  They wanted it all to themselves.  They even had a few moments that they did not want to share it with each other.

DIY Sand and Rock Box

I love that it is large enough that they can move around and have fun in the bin but also compact enough I can move it into the garage if I need to.  Since it has a lid for it that locks, we just close it up after use.

DIY Sand and Rock Box
picture 2014

Sand and rocks are 2 of the kids favorite sensory bin fillers.  With this Rock and Sand box they get to play with both of them at the same time!

Great way to explore touch, sight, and sound.  Perfect for imagination and free play for the kids.  This bin will get lots of playtime at our house.

DIY Sand and Rock Box
We hope you and the kids can enjoy this idea too.  So many ways to play with this bin by just mixing up what you add to it each time you get it out.  We look forward to finding more creative ideas on how to play with our rock and sand bin.
Check out more posts: 

Star Wars Tatooine Desert Sensory Bin

Star Wars Tatoonie Desert Sensory Bin

Pool Noodle Boats Water Sensory Bin

 For even more sensory play ideas click HERE


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