Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft

Earth Day should be everyday but with a set day of recognition it helps remind me to make sure the kids understand how to help the planet. To do this with small kids I find doing simple crafts and activities with them make learning about the earth more fun and exciting. That is why I put together this Earth Handprint Wreath for us to make one afternoon.

Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft



Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft

I took the craft from this site Free Kids Crafts and made it our own.  They used recycled paper and made hands for a class and put the planets on them.  What I wanted to do was take the hands and make a wreath out of it and hang it up.  Also reading each planet, that you can print from the above site, I wanted to make sure we could say yes we do that.  All but 2 we do or needed to do for this year.  We will need to plant a tree(we have not done that this year) and today we made a box for us to put our plastic water bottles in so we can take and recycle  them.  My husband and I have been talking for months about recycling more but haven’t done anything new until today.  We do recycle cans and have done that for many many years.  We also take and recycle news papers and magazines when we have them.  The tree project will hopefully be next week. My husband looks forward to doing this with our oldest son big brother.  Ok back to the craft.

What you need: 

paper(recycled or not-I used cardstock) for hand prints



paper plate


hole punch

yarn or string


earth print outs from above site.

Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft

What to do: 

Trace your child or children’s hands on paper, then cut out. 

Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft

 Take paper plate and cut out center.  

Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft
Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft

Now glue hands around plate. Cut out planets and glue to hands.  Then glue to plate

Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft

Use hole punch to make a hole for yarn.  Last hang up your wreath.

Handprint Wreath for Earth Day-kid craft



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