Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

It is time for this weeks Preschool Book Club post!!  Today we are sharing our inspiration from Harold and the Purple Crayon book we read this month.  After reading this book, I knew just what I wanted to make, Purple Lavender Scented Crayon Soaps.  We love making soap as you can see here Homemade Soap The Kids Can Help Make {in fun shapes}.  We had a lot of fun making these and playing with them too.
Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

This post contains links for your convenience and we could possibly make a small amount of money from them.  Thanks for your support.  See my disclosure here.

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

What we used:

(These links are for your convenience. We ordered our supplies through a soap company we found online)

Lavender 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml  

2 Lb Clear Glycerin Melt & Pour Soap Base Organic 

Crayon Pop Candy Mold -might be smaller than the ones we made.

Matte Lavender Soap Color Bar – we have used these before but this time used a liquid dye. They work the same.

Knife- I used this, spoon, and Pyrex measuring cup

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

What we did:

I cut up the soap block into small pieces and my son placed them in our Pyrex measuring cup.  We microwaved for a minute and checked.  Repeat this step until it is melted.  Be careful the measuring cup will be HOT!

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

We then added lavender oil to the melted soap.

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon
Then mixed in our purple soap dye.
Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

I filled our soap mold.  We had some left so we filled shaped ice cube trays up too.  Let sit until hardened.  We left them all day and by bath time they were ready!

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon

I had hoped that the soaps would work like our store bought bath crayons but they did not.  However, they smelled good and looked amazing.  The kids could not have been happier.

Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon
We do keep Crayola bath markers and crayons on had.  I grabbed out a purple marker that was close and handy.  I gave that to the kids to draw in the tub.  They could care less about the marker and just wanted their bars of soap.  I tried to draw leaning over the tub some of the things we saw in the book.  We talked about the store and what they remembered.  They then went back to playing!  They have played with the bath soaps every night this week!
Purple Lavender Crayon Soaps for Harold and the Purple Crayon
Oh, I almost forgot we added red and blue bath tub color tabs to the water.  The kids loved the book, loved making the soaps, but mostly loved playing in the tub!  We hope you can too.
More post from today:
Check out more of FSPDT past Books Club Posts HERE.


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