Strawberry Ice Cream Dough Sensory Bin
Strawberry Ice Cream Dough Sensory Bin
Supplies/What we used:
*baking soda- 2) l lb boxes
*strawberry cake mix
*pink food coloring
How to make Strawberry Ice Cream Dough Sensory Bin :
Pour baking soda and cake mix in a large bowl. Pour in a little water at a time and mix until moldable. Add food coloring to water to give a brighter color.
Our set up:
I got out our smaller plastic bin and ice cream play set from IKEA. I added the ice cream dough to the bin. Then placed the play items in the bin. Of course we had to have sprinkles!
This recipe is taste safe but does not taste good and should NOT be eaten. However, if the kids put a little in their mouths it is ok. Never use ingredients for play recipes that your kids are allergic to. If your kids have a strawberry allergy maybe try another scent.
All three kids got to enjoy this sensory bin for play time. My kids are 1yr, 3yr, and 5yr. They all enjoyed playing with the ice cream dough.
Great for free play, problem solving, imagination, sibling bonding, and sharing. Go over the color and scent. Talk about strawberries and how they are a fruit, they are sweet, they are red…
This is the perfect sensory play for sight and scent!
This ice cream dough did smell good enough to eat but we did not. Baby brother did taste the tiniest amount and made a funny face. After that he did not put any more in his mouth.
We even got daddy playing in the ice cream shop. The kids love when daddy is home for playtime.
Daddy was trying to save the sprinkles that little brother had emptied into the bottom of the container. The sprinkles are always a hit with sensory play. I try to get them on clearance after holidays or at the dollar stores.

And here I thought making play dough out of cake mix was a first! I had a little different take on it (& not published yet) but yours looks so pretty and your photos are so nice! (I like your disclaimer too – I could probably just put something like, “My toddler has taste tested every recipe on this blog. And the floor at Chipotles. Use at your own discretion”. In face, I probably SHOULD put something like that.) 🙂
This is wonderful. I want to use for when we do our Ice Cream Shop Theme in our preschool. How long did it last before you had to throw away? Did it mold at all? Do you think the same technique would work with other cake mixes, for example pineapple, chocolate etc. Thank you again for sharing.