Bird Feeders From Plastic Lids

We love these easy and fun plastic lid bird feeders.  We have made them many times after being inspired by Meet the Dubiens play-doh lid bird feeders.  Here is our last post on these feeders for the how to make the lids.  This is a great activities for Earth Day.  You are teaching the kids to recycle by using old lids.  You are also teaching them to take care of the animals that are such an important part of the earth.  No matter if you are going over Earth Day or not these plastic lid bird feeders are always fun to make with the kids.


Bird feeders from plastic lids


Bird Feeders From Plastic Lids

What you need:  

plastic lids, peanut butter( you can use lard or honey I hear in place of peanut butter?), birdseed, a bowl or plate, and spoon.  A few wet paper towels or wipes may be useful.

What to do:  

Apply peanut butter to lid with string and then press down into bird seed in bowl or plate.  Last you find just the right spot to hang them to watch the birds and squirrels come out to eat them. 

Bird feeders from plastic lids

My boys and I always have fun making these easy bird feeders. We enjoy even more the time we spend together watching the birds and squirrels come out to eat. We hope you may have some fun with this too.


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