Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

We love playing  with playdough over here.  With the new season of fall approaching I thought apple playdough would be fun.  I already had apple scent from our apple scented soap we made this spring.  To make it lots of fun I made apple, cinnamon, and glitter playdough for my son and I.  

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

What you need for playdough:

My favorite playdough recipe and then add, red food coloring ( a lot if it is just everyday food coloring like I have), apple scent about 1/2-1 tsp, cinnamon to your liking.  I just sprinkled it in the playdough mix with dry ingredients and sprinkled red glitter in with it too.  When the playdough is done let cool on wax paper.

To make the apples we made you will need: brown pipe cleaner, green foam sheets, and either another color pipe cleaner or colored straws for caterpillars.  cut the pipe cleaners and straws to size for stems and caterpillars.  Cut out green leaves from the green foam sheet( I had some from the Dollar Tree).

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

What we did: 
I sat out the playdough for my son with the the craft supplies I had prepared for him in a bowl.  I then rolled a bit of playdough in a ball and put a stem on it with a leaf to show my son how I thought we could make apples.  He then went to work making apples.  He had a lot of fun with the caterpillars.  Glad he liked them even if mommy is no artist.  We both had a lot of fun.  At the end he asked me to put them in the ziploc bag just as they were, not to take them apart. 

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

He loved the caterpillar straws.

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

My sons apple on the left mine on the right.

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

Apple with a caterpillar.

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it


So glad he had fun with the apple playdough.  I never know what I set out for him that he will like or not like.

Apple Cinnamon Playdough & how to make apples out of it

Can’t wait to get our apple playdough out again, I think it is my new favorite.  I hope you and your family may have some apple playdough fun too.

10 Ways To Play With Playdough That Kids Love

All Things Playdough: recipes and play ideas

All Things Playdough: recipes and play ideas

Amazing Playdough Recipes and Play Ideas

 Amazing Playdough Recipes and Play Ideas {the kids co-op 5-8}



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