Bunny Envelopes-stuffed with Easter treats
I was looking at Martha Stewart’s website and came across this Bunny envelopes craft, how cute! I decide this would be a great idea to use for my son’s Easter party at his preschool. We could give these out to his classmates. They are easy to make and so much fun for the kids. Stuff them with your choice of treats too.

Bunny Envelopes-stuffed with Easter treats
What you need:
envelopes(I used 2 sizes that I had-the small ones seemed to be perfect), I used the bunny ears template from the above link, glue or glue stick, black markers(I used sharpies), scissors, and pink paper(I used construction paper).
What I did:
trace the bunny ears template on the envelopes(I licked them sealed and turned on its side then traced), cut out the ears with scissors, then draw on eyes with sharpie, then cut out nose with construction paper and glue on, then draw mouth, last cut out the pink of the ear and glue it on the envelop.
Here are my first few I made, I am stuffing them with a little Easter grass, fruit snacks, and raisins.
Hope the kids think they are as cute as big brother(my 3yr) did, he said “those are cool mommy.”