Fine Motor Skills Build A Snowman

I am always looking for something to entertain my kids.  My boys are full of energy and always on the go.  We can go through numerous activities before breakfast some days.  We are an everyday family so my kids have toys, books, watch movies,etc.  This day was like any other the kids had been through all the everyday activities and were getting restless.  Of course I had a sink full of dishes, laundry that needed attention, and a fussy little boy.  I also had a creamer bottle on the counter I had been holding on to a few days for a Build a Snowman Activity for my toddler.  This was as good a time as any to throw it together for him and attempt to get a little house work done.  This only took a few minutes to put together.  When big brother got wind of what we were doing I had to go on a hunt for one more bottle and that took me a few minutes.  But finally the kids sat down and worked on their snowman and the dishes got washed!
fine motor skills build a snowman

Fine Motor Skills Build A Snowman



fine motor skills for kids

Supplies/What we used:


*creamer bottles


*cotton balls






What to do:

I cut the paper off the creamer bottle after washing it out.  I let it dry.  This is why it was still on the counter, drying out.  So it was ready to go this day.  I grabbed the colored sharpies and added a face, nose, mouth, and buttons.  I then got a tray out (from the dollar tree) and added cotton balls and a piece of ribbon.




Now the kids took over and started adding the cotton balls to the container.  This is great for fine motor skills.  Easy for my toddler and still fun for my 5 yr.   As they added the cotton balls they were building their snowman.  Once they filled the bottles we added the caps.  These worked great as the snowman hat.

There were cotton balls left over and the boys gathered empty egg cartons and more containers and stuffed and filled them all.  So glad this activity kept them busy while I got a little house work done and took care of a fussy little boy.  We even got these cute little snowman decorations out of this simple yet fun fine motor skills activity.


Fine Motor Skills Activity for Kids build a snowman



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