Books we love and book crafts Archive

The Best Halloween Books for Children

  We love books at our home as most families probably do.  We can never get enough of them and there is always a new book we want to read.  I often share a photo on my FB page of books we have and love.  Today

The Ultimate Christmas Book List for Ages 2-6

We love books. And holiday books for some reason, always seem extra special.  Over the last few years we have been working on a Christmas book collection.  This year we had enough books to make a Book Advent Calendar out of them.  We still have many

Top Back To School Books for Kids

  School will be starting back for us at the end of August.  It will be here before I know it.  My oldest has been in a preschool program since he was 1.5 yr for a few half days a week.  This year will

Exploring Books Through Play

  I am so excited to let you know about a new book we helped co-author today!  We teamed up with our Preschool Book Club friends to bring you Exploring Books Through Play. It is 50 activities based on books about friendship, acceptance, and empathy.

Book Inspired Activities and Crafts

When I found out I was expecting my first child my mother brought over children’s books and told me to start reading to that baby now. I ready to all 3 of my children while pregnant and while they were so young they could not

Paper Doll Crayons

So thrilled to be starting back with our biweekly Preschool Book Club ( see our posts here).  We love books and book activities.  Today we are sharing a book inspired activity to go with The Day the Crayons Quit.  Such a fun book.  We have

Amazing Book Activities for Kids

We love BOOKS!  We also love book activities.  Taking a book we love and creating a craft or doing a play activity to go with it is always a hit with my kids.  I know we are not the only ones that love book

Press Here Book Inspired Eraser Paintings

This month’s Preschool Books Club brings you Press Here!  A fun book for the family.  We had never heard of this book before the book club.  The kids just loved that they got to get involved while reading it.  We set out to make

Kissing Hand Book Craft and Activity

Are you ready for the Preschool Book Club to start back up!  We were and could not wait to start doing book activities again.  Today we are sharing on a classic back to school book the Kissing Hand.  As long as this book has

Eric Carle Book Inspired Products for Kids

Happy Birthday Eric Carle!!  Today I am sharing a fun post dedicated to Carle inspired products.  Toys, lunch boxes, and more. I see a lot of things I want and the kids would love.  I can’t wait to have a wish list to come

Eric Carle Book List for Children

  We love Eric Carle books over here.  My toddler right now is obsessed with the Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Because he loves it so much we bought caterpillars in the hopes we may see them transform into butterflies.  We also did a butterfly craft a few

Marshmallow Print Caterpillar

In honor of Eric Carle’s birthday we made heart shaped marshmallow print caterpillars.  Simple book inspired craft for kids. My 5 yr and 3 yr LOVE The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  So much so, that we are on our second year watching live caterpillars transform into butterflies.  The