Bath time fun Archive
Try them, try them, and you may! Try them and you may, I say.” Dr. Seuss We don’t need an excuse over here to get a Dr. Seuss book out to read, we love them. However, we have never taken a book to the
We love tub time fun at our house. I like to keep it simple. This makes it easy for me to prep and clean up. This is key for me with 3 young children. In our 10 Christmas Ideas Kids Love you will find
Bath time is a fun time for me to set up simple themes for the boys. They love these baths and can never get enough of them. No we do not do these every night and a lot of times we do the same ones
We love simple tub time fun at our house. This Dino bath is just that. My boys both loved playing with the eggs and dinosaurs in the tub. They have also asked for this same bath since.
I love creating easy yet fun bath themes for my boys. Sometimes we add learning to them and other times we just have fun. This was a just have fun night. However, I did go over with my oldest son what 2 colors make
I have been letting my oldest now 3 1/2 yr paint or play with pudding in the bath tub since he was 1yr. It is fun and safe for them to play. If they eat it you know it is ok. We usually just
My boys love themed baths! They don’t get them every night, so when they do they love it. Don’t get me wrong they have everyday bath toys they play with on a regular basis in there and they enjoy them. On the nights we
We stated doing a new color bath theme for the boys. They really seemed to enjoy it. We started with a red bath. This night it was a green bath. What I did was have my oldest help me the night before find some
This week we are trying to do a new color bath theme every night in the bath tub. Big brother has requested yellow tonight so that is what we will do. We use our yellow fizzy tablets to change the color of the water and add a
Tonight will be orange night as requested by my son. He said we had to do orange bc it is his favorite color. We added orange toys, yellow and red fizzy tablets to make orange water, and a little orange extract to give it
I have seen many great blogs do themes at bath time and I just love it. So we do our own bath time themes over here from time to time. Some nights I just don’t have the time but today I got things ready
We have been doing themed baths for the boys when we can and this one was about washing cars, trucks, and boats. I just added some toys, sponges, and bubbles and let the boys have fun. I have a 3yr and 1yr. This was
We love these fizzy tablets for the bath and have been using them for a few years with my oldest son. Now that his little brother is getting older we use them with both of them.
We have done many different things at bath time. We have lots of bath toys that are fun by themselves but we like to mix it up some times. So tonight was a pudding night. I have used pudding with my oldest in the